This will probably be the last time I post on this website. Pauls Apartment was one of the best group of fellas I have ever played with! But alas my home state of California has called me back and off to California I have gone! I want to thank all of our fans and friends! You are the best! I will miss you all dearly! If you are ever in Santa Cruz California I bet you will find me playing and singing somewhere! Hopefully I will find some more wonderful musicians to play with But I know Timmy, Neil, Duke, Oliver and Brian can never be replaced!! Love, Donna Lynn.
Check out the events section for more info!
We will be playing tonight, August 27, 2010 at Peachs in Yellow Springs Ohio!!
The 'Duke' is still back! Pauls Apartment Will be at Peaches May 8th, 2010!
Come and spend Halloween with us! Check out the events link for more details!
August 26, 2009 Check out the events section for more info on shows. The next one is Friday Sept. 11 at the Emporium May 25 2009 We are playing Peaches this coming Sat MAY 30 !! Show starts at 10 PM See you there! April 2, 2009 WOW did you hear that?!! Brian Kelley is getting married!! Congrats Brian!!! Those of you that have followed our band for awhile will remember Brian Kelley! He played banjo with us forever until about a year or two ago when he moved out to beautiful Colorado. Well it wasn't all bad because he met the woman of his dreams there ! Amber! He brought her out to meet all of us a couple of months ago and she most definately has the PA seal of approval! Congraqts again to both of you and we will see you in Colorado in a few weeks! ROAD TRIP!! OOoo yeah ;) February 1, 2009 We had a GREAT time at Peachs! Thanks to all who came out in the chilly weather! You made the show! Check out the movie page for the video clip from the evening! December 1, 2008 First off a BIG thanks to all who came to Neils Benefit! We raised some good cash to help Neil and had a blast playing with all of the wonderful local musicians! We had such a great time at Neils benefit we decided we should get back to it! So we are playing again! Or next show will be at Peachs Grill on January 24, 2009 Check out the events section for more information and we will see you there! September 10, 2008 The details and lineup for Neils benefit are now in the EVENTS section on this website. I also want to take the space and time here to thank everyone involved. First, thank you Don and Christine of Peachs for helping organize and allowing this event to take place at Peachs! Don has always been a huge supporter of Pauls Apartment since before he even built his inside bar stage. Playing outside of the front porch, dodging the drive through traffic was some of our funnest gigs I also want to thank all of the people who will be performing that day, without you this would not be possible and last but not least or fans and friends we get emails from around the world of support and encouragement and we AND Neil Shall ROCK ON! For more details about Neil and whats up Click here September 6, 2008 Benefit for Neil Thompson Announced! September 27, 2008 all day and all night! Pauls Apartment (with Neil god willing)and tens of local bands and performers will be at Peaches Grill in Yellow Springs, Ohio . We will perform for one cover fee to help Neil with his staggering medical bills and just to show our love and support for him. I will announce more here as the line-up finalizes. September 5, 2008 As some of you know our bass player Neil Thompson fell ill and I wanted to update all of you. Over the Fourth of July weekend Neil fell into a coma while traveling back from visiting Brian Kelley in Colorado. Luckily a friend was with him and he was rushed to the hospital and he had to have emergency brain surgery to have a tumor removed. It was not cancer. He is now back home and looking good! He is currently under going chemotherapy and radiation treatment as a precaution and of course drinking wheat grass at the Main Squeeze and doing well! WE LOVE YOU NEIL!!! Feb. 9, 2008 Well its been awhile since I have updated this here web page and thought it was high time that I did! We have done several shows at Peachs and Brother Bears during 2007 and had a blast at all of them. Brian Kelley the banjo player even flew out from Colorado to join the party at the Brother Bears Funky Bean Farm in Sept. 2007. We now consist of me (donna lynn), Neil, Timmy and Duke. As noted above Brian Kelley moved to Colorado last year and Oliver has been in New York for over 2 years now. I want to keep the music thing going and have had a BIG surge in writing lately. Last week just 3 of us, Neil , Myself and Duke played a set at Peachs for the Clean Gene benefit and the trio got rave reviews. We are rethinking the direction of Pauls Apartment and will post the outcome here! One thing I DO know is I love singing and playing my guitar and nothing will stop me from doing that! One more note. We are booked to open for Freakbass at the Funky Bean Farm's St. Patty's Day show on March 15 so mark your calenders for that! Love, Donna Lynn
Jan 12, 2007 We had a blast at the Funky Bean Farm at New Years Eve! We saw a lot of old friends and met new ones too! Look in the Photo Section for more. We were able to catch up with 'Pops' a GREAT photographer and he had pics (see below) from our gig at Nelson Ledges Quarry Park as well. December 21.2006 WOW! has it been this long since i have updated this thing? Aye it has but I am doing it now. The band is still alive and kicking! We have never stopped playing together every week and we still love to jam it out! We will be playing this coming New Years Eve in between Yellow Springs & Springfield Ohio on a beautiful ranch, the Funky Bean Farm. We will take the stage at about 9:00 PM and then Loco will do its thing in between our show and John Welton. See the events page for more info. Or go here to buy tix http://www.myspace.com/brotherbearscoffee
April 28, 2006 Well looks like Duke is ready for action again, Brian has pulled out his banjo after 2 years!! Yee Hah! and hell even Oliver has made an appearance. So due to the powers beyond us we will be playing at Nelson Ledges on Memorial day weekend. Stayed tuned for more info! Have I said lately I love playing with these men ? ;)
March 16 , 2006 Thought I might put up a few words to update everyone! Pauls Apartment has been taking a performing hiatus for several months. That doesn't mean we have stopped playing though. The band line up is now..... Donna Lynn, Tim, Neil and Brian. Duke is on sabbatical and BrIan has put down his banjo for awhile and is playing the drums. We have been getting back to our musical roots. Our weekly jams are beginning to really swell and gel again and it feels sooooo good! Thanks everyone for the inquiries. O yea and if you are ever in Yellow Springs, Ohio make sure to stop in and check out Donna Lynn's new venture, the Main Squeeze. September 12, 2005 Donna Lynn hit Amsterdam and dispensed the wonderful world of Pauls Apartment in the Netherlands! There are several excellent coffee shops we visited but out fav was Pablo Picasso on Haarlemmerstrat. We just seemed to keep going back for more of there fine hospitality! Of course she had to find the music scene and she was successful! Below are a few photos of her with Hacka and Dicky performing at the Maloe Melo house of blues club. Check out the movie page for a clip of the show. Enjoy! August 28, 2005 The month of August was awesome! Shows every weekend and the music just flowed! Peaches, a wonderful wedding and of course the Grassroots Music Festival in Indiana. Check out the photos page for new pics! Evolution!
July 4, 2005 Last nights show was a blast! Thanks to everyone for showing! We saw quite a few faces we hadn't seen in awhile and met some new friends as well. OOooo and thanks to the ole banjo player Brian Kelley for stepping into Neil's' spot to play the bass for us while Neil is out 'gallivanting' in Texas. I hope your fingers will recover soon! hehe April 9, 2005 OK So it's been awhile since I las updated this thing. Life has a way of getting in the way while i live ;) But that's what its all about! We are strong as ever and are ready to make even more groovy music for yas ;) First I want to say thanks to everyone who made it out last Friday night for our Peach's gig with Rob and his band. Everyone had a Great time ;) Second you may have noticed our evolution! Its the four of us now as Oliver and Brian have flowed on to other musical realms. But from the looks of things its going to be a fun ride ;) Thanks again for all of your support! You should check out the great review someone left for us here (scroll to the bottom of that page to see it.) Hope to see you at a show soon!
Dec 4, 2004 Come on out tonight for some fun music in the wonderful warm setting of the Web Coffeehouse in Yellow Springs, Ohio! See the events section for more info! October 27, 2004 Just wanted to say HEY!! So HEY!! We are still alive and kicking and are looking forward to a wild time at a party in YS this coming weekend. There is nothing like a great excuse to dress up in what ever you want!! Thanks for the emails and love!! We are still playing and jamming out but have lessened our schedule this year due to other commitments. Our next public gig will be at the Web Coffeehouse. This is a great way to come on out and see us and it is a smoke and liquor free venue. It kind of reminds me of a small Freight and Salvage for those of you who have ever visited it in my birthplace, Berkeley, California. Be safe and VOTE!! BUSH OUT!! =) September 14, 2004 HEY!! all you Village folks (and everybody else too)! We wilt be playing in our favorite spot again this coming Saturday Night! Peaches !!! in Yellow Springs. They have the BEST selection of brews this side of the Mississippi!! Also opening for us is a great band called Kentucky Overflow! The show should start at about 9:30 PM. Pauls Apartment will take the stage at about 10:30 and we will play until 2:00 AM so come on down and say Hi to us and shake your good thang! August 27, 2004 Grassroots was a BLAST! as usual. Thanks to everyone who showed! Also it was great to have everyone in the band there this time! It always seemed we were either missing the mando dude Oliver or da banjo man Brian! but not this time! And if I do say so myself we were smoking!! Thanks Again! July 2, 2004 Had a wonderful show at the Little Art Theatre last night in downtown Yellow Springs. Great crowd and the acoustics in that place were GREAT! It was so nice to play somewhere where it wasn't so damn loud! and that is something coming for me (Donna Lynn) as I love loud music! It was great to play an 'unplugged' set! Other news: If you hadn't noticed we are not hitting the touring scene as much as we did last year. Everyone has been having life changes and busy and ... well keeping a relationship with one person is hard enough hehehhe try 6!!!! but we love it!! We are still doing it and writing new songs even. Our next gig will be the Grassroots Music Festival in Muncie, Indiana. You can win a ticket from right here even! The fifth person to email me and say, " HEY! I wanta swim with you in the lake, naked!" wins 2 tix to the Grassroots Festival!!! Let the spamming begin!!
May 15, 2004 We are thawing out from the long cold winter and I will tell you! there is nothing like a great gig in your hometown with friends, old and new, to bring in the spring! We had a great time at Peachs last Saturday night and by the looks of things you all did too!!! Thank again for coming out and your praise for the new song , Anyday Now. April 21, 2003 Spring is out and so are we!!!!!! It's been WAY too long since we have seen so many of your fine faces! We have some great gigs lined up for the summer and we are kicking it of at Peach's in Yellow Springs, Ohio on Sat. May 8th. Check the Events page for more details and we cant wait to see you all again!
February 1, 2003 Just a note to let everyone know we have not fallen off the face of the earth just the touring scene for a bit. We decided to dig in during these cold winter months to keep those musical fires burning! One of the best ways we write is just hanging out and jamming together and with all the gigging we did last summer and fall we didn't find the time to do that so now we are. Also, Oliver is back!!! The mando dude was much missed and its good to have'm back. Have a great winter and we will see you all soon! November 27, 2003 Well, it's that special day again when we wonder, "If I rub my belly enough will the pain go away?!?" And the answer is: MAYBE!!! But if you want to work off some of that hard earned turkey poundage head on down to Peach's Bar and Grill this Saturday night, Nov 29th, and shake it off with us. Local filmmaker Steve Bognar has agreed to step in and videotape the show for us as well, so come on over and show off your happy hootenanny/holiday faces and divine dance-ablilities. Other news! We've just added several pieces of Duke's artwork to his page. Check it out! October 11, 2003 YEA!!! Chubby got the pics from Camp Jam up. Check them out here . We will see you all tonight at Elbo's in Dayton!! We plan on rocking it out tonight!!! So get your fine arses there! Easy Blue opens it it up at 9:00 PM! October 1, 2003 We survived last weekend and what a weekend it was!! We got some great new photos of us and possibly YOU! if you were at any of our shows last weekend! Camp Jam was great!, Peaches was hot as always and Flappers rounded out the weekend with a BANG! Check out the photo section. September 11, 2003 Harvest Jam was GREAT! We met so many new and old friends! Here's a few pictures that are in so far from Ken. Thanks! Also Chubby took pics of everyone at Harvest Jam. Scroll throgh his album to see more pictures of Pauls Apartment. More to come soon!!!!! August 23, 2003 We had a GREAT show last night at Gilly's! What a great place to play!! Thanks to everyone who came out. It was wonderful to see all the familiar faces. We are taking next weekend off but will be back at it again on Friday, Sept 5 at Harvest Jam. Check out the link if you haven't already. It's going to be a JAMMIN weekend! with all kinds of grooving bands! We will be on stage at 4:30 right after Noah and the Stratocats. Hope to see ya there! August 16, 2003 Well the summer is ripping by and we are playing like wildfire! We miss Oliver (mando dude) and hope he returns home SOON!!!!!! Get your butt back here! We had a blast at the Grassroots Music Festival! I have added a few pics of that to the Photo section so check it out. We will be at Gilly's in the 'Women in Rock Showcase' in Dayton next weekend (Friday, August 22nd) with several other great bands including Rhe, Days Without End, and Emily Strand. Check out the events section for more details. August 3, 2003 We had two fantastic shows in Dayton over the past week! One at Jags and one at the Oregon Express! Thanks to everyone who came out! We're currently gettin' packed up and ready to split for the Grassroots Music Festival which is being held this coming Friday & Saturday (August 8 & 9th) at the Waterbowl in Muncie, Indiana. We'll be playing on Saturday from 4:30 to 6:00PM. This is an AWESOME camping spot with a beautiful lagoon. There's gonna be great music, friendly people, and a heckuvalotta fun to be had all weekend long. You'll get all that and more for $15.00, which covers the entire weekend. Click on the link for more detailed information and we hope to see you there! July 25, 2003 We got through our second round in the Dayton Band Playoffs!! Thanks to everyone one that came out to vote, but in the end, congrats go to Simply Waiting for moving on to the next round! The cool part about the whole thing is we received way more votes than we anticipated meaning that even more people are diggin' our brand of jam than before and the word is gettin' out! July 15, 2003 WOW!! We had a GREAT time at Flappers in Mount Vernon last weekend!! Met a lot of new friends even though we didn't remember how to play Molly Hatchet we won 'em over anyway!! As a matter of fact they asked us back before we left !! We'll be there again on Saturday, Sept 20th . 1.
June 28, 2003
confirmed our slot at the Grassroots
Music Festival in Muncie, In! We will be playing at 4:30 PM on Saturday!
We had a BLAST last year at this festival and this year will be even better!
So Mark your calendars NOW to spend a weekend (August 8th-10th) camping out,
swimming and listening to some of the BEST music in the land! They have a
beautiful lake to swim in right behind the main stage. The ticket price is
even lower than last year! Only 15 bucks gets you in for the whole weekend
which includes camping, music and the swimming!
5. May 24, 2003
6. The new CD,
Utilities Included, is out! and the release party
last night was ...aye, ayie ayie!
Just dam good fun! Thanks so much to all the people that came out for it. We
had over 200 people come to Peachs to rock it out
with us and we did!!!! We see peep's shaking it and that makes us even turn
it up more. I do believe our fans shake it da best!
Thanks to the bartenders that worked their butts of too! PS Mandy! email Donna Lynn so we can get your free CD to ya (your email address bounced back to us).
Keep an eye out here for the stations we are on so you can call them up and request it! You can already call WYSO here in Yellow Springs, Ohio (937) 767-6420 as they have their copies already of course!
Thanks for coming out to see us at the Web Coffeehouse! Lots of new and old friends. Wouldn't be the same without ya ! Still working on the new CD. It should be out by the end of May! We will be having our CD release party at the new and improved Peaches Bar and Grille. The date is soon to come! Donna Lynn went to Atlanta for her paying job and popped into the Open Mic night at Red Light Cafe while she was there hehehe. If your ever out there you should check the place out. A lot of wonderful people and great songwriters!
Feb.. 10, 2003 We had a GREAT time this weekend. Friday night we played with some old friends, the Grateful Groove Band in Indiana. We also had a chance to talk with a lot of cool folks we met at the Grassroots music festival last summer. Check out the photo section for a few pics. Saturday night we headed to Jags in Dayton and had yet another GREAT night. Easy Blue opened up for us and they ROCKED! We definitely will be playing with them again! Thanks to everyone for coming to the show! We had a great turnout! Check the photo section for a few pics of that show too! Feb. 2, 2003 Well we pack our bags for our little winter tour this Friday, Feb. 7th !! We will head up to Legends in Fort Wayne, Indiana to open up for Grateful Groove! We met these guys last summer at the grassroots Music Festival in Indiana and they are great!! Just in case that's too far a of a drive from da home turf we will also be playing the next night Sat. Feb. 8th at Jags in Dayton, Ohio. Easy Blue will be opening for us at 9:30 PM and we will take the stage at 10:45 PM. Come on out and dance those winter blues AWAY!! Jan. 3, 2003 Had a great set at Jags in Dayton day after Christmas! (got a good pic of it in the photo section) So much in fact they invited us back even! Looks like we will be back there as the main band at Jags in Dayton on Saturday. December 20, 2002 Well small update, I downloaded the movie from another computer and it started to stream on its own.. kinda. Still took awhile to get it but OOOoooo it was worth it! =) December 18, 2002 Well we finally got this thing up and running! w00p! We also hit the studio again this past Saturday for our second CD! We had a blast and got down 8 great tracks to work with (check out the photo section for some pics of that) . This next CD will be all originals and we are hoping it hits the streets by the end of March of 2003. Over the next couple of weeks we will be adding more great stuff to this site (.....how I spent my Xmas vacation by Donna Lynn. hehe). The movie we have in that section of the site is great but it is 74 megs! and I need to get down how to get streaming going so you don't have to try and download the entire thing. It took me 40 minutes with a broadband connection *ugh* Feel free to email me (Donna Lynn) with your suggestions.